Categories for Garage Door Maintenance

The Benefits of Professional Garage Door Services

September 11, 2019

With tutorial videos being more readily available than ever before on the internet, DIY jobs around the home are becoming increasingly popular as people try to avoid the larger costs associated with working with a professional contractor. However, there are some types of jobs a homeowner should never take on unless they have the proper training to do so, and garage door work is one example. Consider this: your garage door is the single largest moving object in your home, and its weight combined with the energy and torsion required for it to function can make for some potentially dangerous... View Article

Having Garage Door Problems? Contact Us for a Free, No-Obligation Service Call!

June 29, 2019

Encountering a problem with your garage door can be extremely frustrating. If your residential door breaks down, your car could be stuck inside, making you late to work or appointments. A damaged door could open up your home and belongings to intruders. Malfunctions with commercial doors could lead to reduced efficiency, operational delays and even safety risks for employees. When these things happen, you’ll need to call a garage door service in to have someone check out the door and identify the problem, then fix it as efficiently as possible. With a typical garage door repair service, you might only... View Article

How to Select an Overhead Door Service Provider

May 22, 2019

If you’re in need of maintenance or overhead door repair you may be wondering how best to go about selecting a service provider to assist you with caring for your garage door. In fact, it’s relatively easy to identify the best service provider in your area, assuming you’re willing to expend a bit of time on research. It’s important that you find a service provider that you can rely on and trust. If your garage door isn’t installed or repaired correctly, it could result in serious damage or injury. Additionally, if it isn’t repaired or replaced on schedule, it could... View Article

Spring Forward with Preventative Garage Door Maintenance

March 29, 2019

Spring is a great time for cleaning, but dusting the cobwebs of winter off your appliances shouldn’t be your only focus. It’s also the perfect time to do the preventative maintenance in your garage that you’ve been putting off before the heat of summer. A good safety inspection of your garage door springs and an investment in garage door maintenance now could save you a major repair once the weather is not as pleasant as it is now. When springs snap Your garage door should be checked annually by a professional technician. With proper maintenance, your garage door springs can... View Article

garage doors

Garage Door Safety Inspections and Maintenance

March 12, 2019

Garage doors are large, heavy moving objects that can pose substantial danger when not properly cared for and maintained. If you have a garage door in your home, you should routinely invest in a garage door safety inspection to examine and analyze the health and safety of your home’s garage door system. Everything from the track that the garage door uses to move up and down to the hanging apparatus that suspends the garage door from the ceiling should be examined and inspected with some regularity. Garage door openers and safety systems should be examined and inspected, as well. Obtaining... View Article

Denton Overhead Garage Door