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Tips To Keep Your Gate Working Well

May 15, 2022

It’s easy to take the things we have for granted, especially when they operate smoothly day in and day out. But, just like any other machinery, automatic gates need regular check-ups and maintenance to stay in good working order. The below tips explain how to keep your automatic gate working well and in good shape. 1. Check the Sensors One of the essential tips on how to maintain your gate is to check the sensors regularly. The sensors are what tell the gate when to open and close, so they must always be in good working condition. Check for things... View Article

Deciding When To Repair Versus Replace Your Garage Door

May 6, 2022

If you are experiencing issues with your garage door, you may find yourself asking one of two questions. You may ask do I need to replace my garage door, or do I need to repair my garage door? Many problems with garage doors can be repaired, but it may not always be worth making those repairs. Likewise, replacing an entire garage door does not make sense if you need a simple repair. Learning the signs that indicate you need garage door repair versus garage door replacement can help you decide which is right for your needs. Here are a few... View Article

How To Inspect Your Garage Door

May 6, 2022

The best way to keep your garage door in good condition is to inspect it regularly. Most people only think about their garage door when there is a problem, but great care should be taken to inspect the door for any issues periodically. This can help identify developing problems before they become serious and costly to fix. Your garage door is an important piece of equipment for your home. That’s why it’s important to inspect it regularly for damage and malfunctions. Here are a few tips on how to inspect your garage door. Check the Door Itself for Any Damage... View Article

Reasons Why Your Garage Door May Only Work Sometimes

March 28, 2022

Garages are a great addition to any home, but garage doors are a complicated piece of machinery that can certainly stop working from time to time. It may be an easy fix, or it may require a totally new garage door. We are here to help you understand why your garage door may not work all the time and how to handle it. Why My Garage Door Does Not Open Sometimes There are plenty of reasons why your garage door may not be opening every time you push your button. The first and most common issue has to do with your... View Article

The Benefits of an Insulated Garage Door

March 28, 2022

When buying a new garage door, consider an insulated one. A garage door that is insulated will allow you to save money on your energy bills, and it will also help reduce the impact on the environment. Insulated garage doors are made from polyurethane foam, which is a superior insulator compared to other materials. In addition, they can be paired with other technologies such as solar panels or wind turbines to minimize electrical usage even further. Here are some benefits of insulated garage door. Energy Cost Savings Insulated garage doors will save you on your energy costs compared to other... View Article

Denton Overhead Garage Door